Apple Executives Praise New Jobs Biography
A new unauthorised biography of Steve Jobs – ‘Becoming Steve Jobs’ – due for release today has been praised by Apple executives as a more authentic portrayal of the man. Additionally, the executives, including CEO Tim Cook, have criticised an earlier biography – ‘Steve Jobs’ – that was written by Walter Isaacson and published shortly after Jobs’ death in 2011. I am sure many of you would have read Isaacson’s book.
From a New York Times: ‘Mr. Isaacson’s best seller did a “tremendous disservice” to the Apple chief, Mr. Cook said in the new book, written by Brent Schlender and Rick Tetzeli, and excerpted in the April issue of Fast Company. “It didn’t capture the person,” Mr. Cook said. “The person I read about there is somebody I would never have wanted to work with over all this time.”
Jony Ive, Apple’s long time design chief, added his criticism of Mr. Isaacson’s biography last month in a New Yorker profile. “My regard couldn’t be any lower” for the book, he said, noting that he had read only parts of it.
Eddy Cue, Apple’s chief of software and Internet services, endorsed the new book on Mr. Jobs on Twitter last week: “Best portrayal is about to be released — Becoming Steve Jobs (book). Well done and first to get it right.” Apple’s iBooks account also tweeted last week that “ ‘Becoming Steve Jobs’ is the only book about Steve recommended by the people who knew him best.”’
As most people, I have great admiration for Steve Jobs and am looking forward to grabbing a copy of the new biography.
You can read the complete New York Times article here.
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