What Great Brands Do


Scott Bedbury, Marketing Head at Starbucks (he was also behind Nike’s Just Do It) gives his eight-point list on what great brands do in this Fast Company article:

1. Great brands are in it for the long haul. Take a long term approach to brands, not short term hit-and-run tactics.

2. A great brand can be anything. As mundane as coffee. Or Intel. Very few people understand the role of processors in computers; but they want Intel inside.

3. A great brand knows itself. It knows where to extend and where not to.

4. A great brand invents or reinvents an entire category. Perhaps the most IMPORTANT point made by him.

5. A great brand taps into emotions.

6. A great brand is a story that’s never completely told. A brand is a metaphorical story that’s evolving all the time.

7. A great brand has design consistency. See Nike, BMW, Apple and you will see consistency in design.

8. A great brand is relevant. Don’t try to be cool just for the sake of it.

The attached article in Fast Company details out his eight points.

Read the article here

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About author

This article was written by Preeti

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